This diwali only diyas no firecrackers


 This Diwali only diyas no firecrackers 

Hi friends , today it is a very serious issue that i am going to discuss , which  is related to  firecrackers and its harmful consequences on our health as well as on our environment . We all are very much aware about present situation in which , the quality of air in Delhi and nearby areas become very bad and poisonous .

What is the news related to firecrackers:- 

Today Delhi government took a  very crucial decision of imposing ban on burning firecracker before diwali in the wake of increasing air pollution and cases of Covid in Delhi . There is the possibility of increasing cases of covid and pollution due to people crowd in festive season and burning of firecrackers .

Before Delhi is any state also ban on firecrackers? 

Starting from Rajasthan than Odisha , Bengal and Haryana these states have also made it mandatory to ban the use of fire crackers, keeping in mind the pollution and coronavirus pandemic . And now Delhi also included in taking the decision of imposing ban on all kinds of firecrackers including green crackers also

Why such decision has been taken 
The bursting of crackers during Diwali is primarily responsible for increase in concentration of dust that settles after bursting crackers is rich in pollution like oxides of sulphur and nitrogen. Metal dust and organic pollutants. 
  • Firecrackers generate thick smoke that can affect the respiratory tract of young children. 
  • It causes severe effects in people with heart , respiratory or nervous system disorders.
  • This result in air pollution. The suspended particulate matter (SPM)  level rise significantly during Diwali. This cause throat, nose and eye related problem which can later develop into adverse health issues 
  • It creates carcinogenic sulphur compound and airborne arsenic effect. 
  • The green light produced in firecrackers displays comes from barium , which is radioactive and poisonous . Blue colour produced from copper compounds comes from dioxine linked to cancer .

Various  harmful consequences of  burning  firecrackers

It is very well  known fact that burning of firecrackers always produce harmful consequence but unfortunately a large number of people don't care about it and burn crackers on large scale . Due to which each and every person has to be face various problems like:

  •  Affect on environment:- sometimes rockets set fire to hut , heaps of dry grass and even houses. Noise pollution, air pollution in which smoke that has been produce harmful to inhaled
  • Affect on animals :- the sound of bursting crackers can be quite traumatic to pets , as they cannot bear loud sounds.

How we can play a major role :- 

  •   Do you know, in cracker producing factories various children engaged in labour work forgetting some earning for their families and several time when any tragedy happened in the factory these children lost their life.
  • If we not buying these crackers we can indirectly help these children  who forced to handle the toxic substances that go into these firecrackers. As a result  , they contract diseases associated with these crackers. 
   Crackers are wasteful, harmful , pointless                   
Why waste your money on buying crackers 
Crackers are of  no use , they are just environment abuse...
  • Let us come together to celebrate a pollution free Diwali this year in 2020. So people should avoid bursting crackers . Instead of wasting money on firecrackers you can invest your money in thoughtful gifts for example gifting a plant to yr friends and relatives 
  • You can share the smile with needy .  this year , apart from spending money on firecrackers you can gift new clothes and sweets to the poor and bring smile on their faces.  
  • If kids still insist on bursting crackers, create some fun crackers at home. For ex :- fill your room with balloons and burst them with incense sticks  . 
  • These funways of making noises are way louder than the crackers. Kids will enjoy them thoroughly.  

" Let's  celebrate real Diwali by spreading happiness , not pollution "


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