Global Hunger Index- 2020 and some facts


  Global  Hunger  Index  (GHI)

Today's topic is very important as Global Hunger Index 2020 has been released and India has been ranked at  94/107 countries in this year 2020. GHI (global hunger index) report publish every year in October month and jointly publish by Concern Worldwide and Welt hunger half . 

Some important facts of GHI 

  • GHI  was first produced in 2006  and 2020 mark the 15th edition of  global hunger index 
  • Aim :- To measure and track huger at global , regional, and country level.
  • GHI score is computed using four indicators  

     1. Under nourishment :- 14% of India's  population is undernourished (2017-19) .

        2.     child wasting        :-  17.3% of India 's population face child wasting(2015-19) .

        3.     child stunting       :- 34.7, it has improved significantly ,from 54% in 2000 to                                                         less than 35% now .

        4.    child mortality      :- 3.7% , it was 5.2% in 2012 .


     1. Undernourishment : - Share of the population with insufficient caloric intake .          2. Child wasting :- share of children under age five who have low weight for their                                                 height , reflecting acute undernurishment .      

        3. Child stunting :- share of children under age five who have low height for their age,                                         reflecting chronic undernutrition . 

       4. Child Mortality :- The mortality rate of children under the age of five .


World Hunger 

Represented  by GHI , Score of 18.2 (moderate level),down from 2000 GHI score of 28.2(serious) .
Covid- 19 pandemic and the resulting economic downturn, massive outbreak of desert locusts in the Horn of Africa ( Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia , Ethiopia) and other crises , are exacerbating food and nutrition insecurity for millions of people. Africa ,south of Sahara and south Asia have highest hunger and undernutrition . the World is not on track to achieve the second sustainable development goal-known as - zero hunger for short - by 2030

      With a score of 27.2 , India has a level of hunger that is '' serious''  

To combat this problem of hunger, it is needed to take some steps in order to achieve  target of SDG by 2030 . for which various schemes and program has been run  by the government of India which play major role and also help in reducing the large population to be hungry .

Here some schemes and program  are mention  that are run by Govt. of India

1. Eat Right Movement :- organized by  Food Safety and Authority of India for citizen to nudge them to                                            eat right 

2. POSHAN Abhiyaan :- Launched by Ministry of Women and child Development in 2018 , its targets                                             to reduce stunting, undernutrition and Anemia .

3. Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana yojana :- It is centrally sponsored scheme executed by the Ministry                                                                        of Women and Child Development  is a Maternity benefit                                                                            Program being implement in all district of   entire country                                                                            from 1 January 2017 .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  4. Food Fortification :- food fortification  is the addition of key vitamins and minerals such as iron, iodine , zinc, vitamin A& D to staple foods such as rice , milk , and salt to improve their nutritional content .

5. Nutritional Food Security Act , 2013 :-  The NFSA  legally entitled up to 75%  of the rural population and 50% of the urban population to receive subsidized food gains under the targeted public distribution system. 

6. Mission Indradhanush :-  it targets children under 2 years of age and pregnant women for   immunization against 12 vaccine - preventable diseases 

7. Integrated child development services (ICDS) Scheme:- launch on 2 october,1975. scheme offer a package of six services ( supplementary nutrition , pre-school non formal education , nutrition & health education, immunization, health check -up and Referral services )  to children in the age group of 0-6 years , pregnant women and lactating mothers. 

Ways forward should be :-
  • Strengthening the PDS (public distribution system)
  • Focus on Women health and providing her sufficient nutritional foods
  • Large scale efforts are needed to feed large  section of Indian hunger population, then the actual meaning of removing stunted and wastening  completely can be achieved...     


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