Disaster management ,hyderabad flood 2020


                   DISASTER MANAGEMENT 


  Disaster management refers to the conservation of  lives and property during natural or man made disaster .  the managements of resources and responsibilities for dealing with all humanitarian aspects of emergencies ,in particular situations in order to lessen the impact of disaster. 

 Disaster management in India

 According to the statistics, 68% of India's land is prone to drought   56% area of India is vulnerable to earthquake ,12% to flood and     8%  to cyclone , making India one of the most disaster prone           countries in the world , affecting overall 85% of Indian land and       more than 50 million people

 National disaster management authority 

when we are talking about national disaster management authority , first we need to understand the reason behind making this authority in India . recalling the major serious earthquake of  2001 in Gujarat  and the sever tsunami in Indian ocean of 2004 was create such situation in which we are not prepared otherwise if we are prepared at that time their were the chance to protect  more life. 

    Government of India recognizing the importance of disaster management as a national priority , had set up a high powered committee in 1999 and a national committee in 2001 after Gujarat earthquake , to make recommendations on the preparation of disaster management plan and suggest effective mitigation mechanisms. 

After the Indian ocean tsunami of 2004 ,the government of India took a defining steps in the legislatives history of the country by  enacting the Disaster Management Act 2005 by an executive order of the government of India, which create National disaster management authority ,which is form by the act and it has a statutory status .

Composition at different level :- 

a) At central level

     at Centre level , it comes under ministry of home affair( it act as a president) and consist PM as a ex-officio chairperson of NDMA. other persons are nominated by chairperson . the vice chairperson has the status of a cabinet minister while the other members have the status of a minister status. two institute work under the ministry of home affairs are :- 

1. NIDM ( National institute of disaster management)

2. NCDM ( National Centre of disaster management)

b) At state level 

at state level chief minister is the ex -officio chairmen of state disaster management authority . it consist state executive committee.

c) At district level

At district level, it consist District  Disaster management authority . its chairmen is zila parishad officer. and this authority work  with state executive committee. 

  Recent  incident of Hyderabad flood 

On October 13 , the monthly average rainfall of Hyderabad for October (103.6 mm according to SKYMET ) was surpassed on a single day when 192 mm of rainfall . according to Indian Meteorological department  , this is the highest rainfall for October recorded since 1903. At least 24 people were killed and several localities submerged . Roads damaged and irrigation tanks breached  . this is rare and rain related disaster  event that is difficult to plan for.

    Factors contributing to increase in floods                      

    1. natural causes

    2. cyclonic and cloud burst

    3. skewed rainfall pattern

    4. transnational rivers

   5.  earthquakes 

solutions for disaster management :-

  • Various initiatives can be taken in order to mitigate disaster and its damaging factors .for this Real time governance system can be helpful in order to provide timely warning to citizens about calamitie as well as timely relief when disaster strike.
  • conservation of forest , wetland and coral reefs can help communities prepare for ,cope with , and recover from disasters including slow onset  event such as drought. they can also reduce non climate related disasters such as landslides , following an earthquake.



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